Traxxas Arduino Shield

O Traxxas Arduino Shield foi feito para substituir a placa branca aplicada no robot. É muito simples pois o único objetivo foi eliminar a placa branca e a maior parte dos fios existentes.

O shield encaixa em parte dos headers do Arduino Uno e permite encaixar os fios de ligação do esc dos motores e do servo da direção nuns conectores de 3 pinos.

A forma de ligar o esc e o servo ao shield está ilustrada na imagem. É de notar que se bem que o sinal do conector destinado ao esc está sempre ligado ao pino D6 do arduino, o sinal do conector destinado ao servo, tem de ser ligado, com o fio verde, ao pino D9.

O shield tem espaço para possíveis desenvolvimentos, entre os quais a colocação de um condensador na alimentação (GND e 5V)

A imagem indica claramente as ligações a efectuar.

micropython-rosserial scripts and ros

The following command must be executed in the computer with the rosmaster.

rosrun rosserial_arduino _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=115200

The baud must match the baud in the uros.NodeHandle statement in the micropython-rosserial script.

micropython-rosserial publisher sample code


import uros
from std_msgs import ColorRGBA #message object ColorRGBA
from time import sleep
node=uros.NodeHandle(2,115200) #node initialized, for tx2/rx2 and 115200 baudrate
msg=ColorRGBA() #msg object init
msg.r=1 #values to variables assigned
while True:
    node.publish('Colorsh',msg) #publish data to node Colorsh


micropython-rosserial subscriber sample code

import uros
from std_msgs import String

def cb(msg):
node = uros.NodeHandle(2, 115200)
node.subscribe('chatter', String, cb)


micropython-rosserial subscriber and publisher sample code


import uros
from std_msgs import String

def cb(msg):
packet=String()'hola fpy'
node = uros.NodeHandle(2, 115200)
node.subscribe('chatter', String, cb)
while True:
	node.publish('greet', packet)


Node constructor

uros.NodeHandle(SERIAL_ID = 2, BAUDRATE = 115200, **KWARGS)

Remark: there are 3 serial ports in esp32

**KWARGS are arguments for a custom serial port connection.

More info about micropython-rosserial


micropython-rosserial create required ROS message classes from msg files

As stated in micropython-rosserial documentation, any ROS message type to be used by a node must be created  before they can be used in micropython-rosserial based scripts.

The message class files are generated by module ugenpy, one of the additional modules installed during the pip install of the micropython-rosserial.

But although the module is installed it doesn’t install the folder of with the message definition files, the *.msg files, for the std_messages.

So we need to copy the msg definition files to our MicroPython device.

Before we can do that we need:

  • the .msg files for ROS std_msgs;
  • the software to copy then to the file system of our MicroPython device;

Lets do it now.

Get the std_msgs .msgs files from github

github repository to the /std_msgs folder in our MicroPython device.

cd ~/
git clone
cd uPy-genpy/src

Install rshell

The rshell is the software to copy the files to (and from) the microPython file system.

It can also be used as serial terminal to access the microPython console (the REPL)

sudo pip3 install rshell

After installation we can run it with the following command

rshell connect serial /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

We get automatically connected to our micropython device.

We may also just run rshell and issue the connect insider the rshell.

The command help give the available commands.


Documented commands (type help <topic>):
args cat connect date edit filesize help mkdir rm shell
boards cd cp echo exit filetype ls repl rsync

The boards command give the avalilable / connected boards.


pyboard @ /dev/ttyUSB0 connected Epoch: 2000 Dirs: / /lib / /project.pymakr / / / /pyboard/ /pyboard/lib /pyboard/ /pyboard/project.pymakr /pyboard/ /pyboard/ /pyboard/

The repl command gives us access to the microphython console, the REPL.


Entering REPL. Use Control-X to exit.
MicroPython v1.15 on 2021-04-18; ESP32 module with ESP32
Type "help()" for more information.

Our micropython device file system is available under the following path:


So we in order to copy our folder std_msgs from our computer to our micropython file system, we use the following command

cp -r std_msgs /pyboard

After some seconds all the files are copied and you could list the /std_msgs folder in the file system of our micropython device with:

ls /pyboard/std_msgs

Bool.msg Duration.msg Float64MultiArray.msg Int32MultiArray.msg MultiArrayDimension.msg UInt16MultiArray.msg UInt8.msg 
Byte.msg Empty.msg Header.msg Int64.msg MultiArrayLayout.msg UInt32.msg UInt8MultiArray.msg 
ByteMultiArray.msg Float32.msg Int16.msg Int64MultiArray.msg String.msg UInt32MultiArray.msg 
Char.msg Float32MultiArray.msg Int16MultiArray.msg Int8.msg Time.msg UInt64.msg 
ColorRGBA.msg Float64.msg Int32.msg Int8MultiArray.msg UInt16.msg UInt64MultiArray.msg

I just copy all the messages, but, in order to spare space, we should only copy the required ones.

Now that we have the msg files in our micropython device, we may start to create de ROS message class files required for our test scripts.

Go to the REPL (micropython console) with the following command.


And enter the following lines on the REPL

from ugenpy.message import MessageGenerator



The first part import the required module

The second part, create the py class file for the file ColorRGBA.msg

The third part, create the py class file for the file String.msg

We get some info about the processed data types. For the first file is:

data type processed: float32 to be <f
data type processed: float32 to be <f
data type processed: float32 to be <f
data type processed: float32 to be <f

For the second file, we get:

data type processed: string to be <I%ss

We may check if the files exist inside the REPL, with the following commands.

> import os
>>> os.listdir('std_msgs')
['Bool.msg', 'Byte.msg', 'ByteMultiArray.msg', 'Char.msg', 
 'UInt8MultiArray.msg', '', '', '']

micropython-rosserial install on ESP32-CAM

Install micropython-rosserial on ESP32-CAM it is very easy.

The easy way is install it with upip. It requires internet access. So before we install the micropython-rosserial on ESP32-CAM, we need to connect it to the internet.

The full procedure is this one:

1 – Connect the computer to the ESP32-CAM via the FTDI USB-Serial interface.

2 – Access to the MicroPython console with a terminal software, or with the pyMakr vscode extension.

3 – Connect to the internet

On MicroPython console input the following commands

import network
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
wlan.connect('ssid', 'password')

The last statement only gets the ip config, and show us in the terminal. Ex:

>>> wlan.ifconfig()
('', '', '', '')

4 – Install the micropython-rosserial module and dependencies

import upip

The success message sample is something like the following one.

Installing to: /lib/
Warning: SSL certificate is not validated
Installing micropython-rosserial 0.2.7 from
Installing micropython-genpy 0.0.6 from
Installing micropython-rosserial-msgs 0.0.1 from
Installing micropython-logging 0.3 from

After we may check the contents of the lib folder

import os
['', 'rosserial_msgs', 'ugenpy', 'uros']

The installation is done.

Lets explore it!


ESP32-CAM ROS rosserial_arduino platformio

ESP32-CAM ROS rosserial_arduino platformio

Create a new project, and select:
Board: AI Thinker ESP32-CAM
Framework: Arduino

Add the Rosserial Arduino Library from frankjoshua to the project
lib_deps = frankjoshua/Rosserial Arduino Library@^0.9.1

For a simple demo over wifi copy the sample in the following file

.pio/libdeps/esp32cam/Rosserial Arduino Library/examples/Esp8266HelloWorld

Remove the following line (near line 13)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

//Change the wifi ssid and pass
const char* ssid = “your-ssid”;
const char* password = “your-password”;

// Set the rosserial socket server IP address
IPAddress server(192,168,1,1);

// Check the
const uint16_t serverPort = 11411;

Compile and upload

On the ros master run the rosserial node in tcp mode

rosrun rosserial_python tcp

We can build and install the ros_lib for the current ros version by install the rosserial arduino

sudo apt install ros-noetic-rosserial-arduino

And build the library with the following command

rosrun rosserial_arduino .

After, we shall copy the ros_lib folder to the lib folder of the platformio project

The last rosserial_arduino version on the following address

ESP32-CAM Video on ROS


Install the Micro-RTSP in Platformio (use the add library to a project tool)

The github version altough the same number is not the same installed by add library to a project tool, in platformio.

So dont mix the samples or you will get some linking errors.

This error can be the result of a bad powering, or bad board configuration (because there are more than one model of ESP32-CAM)

[E][camera.c:1049] camera_probe(): Detected camera not supported.
[E][camera.c:1249] esp_camera_init(): Camera probe failed with error 0x20004

To fix it, it is a configuration issue, in setup(), try to change




or to:



The file folowing file have the configurarion for each model:


If we reduce the .frame_size we can make a more fluid video.

Change from

.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_SVGA,


.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_QVGA,

Its a good improvement

There are chances of some serial monitor issues,

Check, if  cannot see any output in platformio serial monitor.


Stream URL


In VLC choose :network-caching=0 in VLC

There are some issues with performance with ROS compared with VLC

For ESP32-Cam we need the following firmware


For ROS we may use the following packages

sudo apt install ros-noetic-video-stream-opencv


Clone and catkin_make


Serial issue ESP32-CAM – MB – vscode – platformio

If  the serial monitor of platformio in vscode doesnt output anything, maybe its because some ESP32 boards have a mechanism that connects RTS/DTR to the EN/GPIO0 lines, and if the RTS/DTR are driven the wrong way when the serial monitor opens, it might shut down the ESP32.

We can try adding each of follow blocks to the platformio.ini and retry opening the serial monitor, until it works.

If one doesn’t make a difference, delete it and try again withthe next one.


monitor_rts = 0
monitor_dtr = 0


monitor_rts = 0
monitor_dtr = 1


monitor_rts = 1
monitor_dtr = 0


monitor_rts = 1
monitor_dtr = 1

For me, with the ESP32-CAM (aithinker clone) with MB (The mother board allow to program directly from usb cable), the one that works was:

monitor_rts = 0
monitor_dtr = 0

platformio.ini file sample for the project

platform = espressif32
board = esp32cam
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_deps = geeksville/Micro-RTSP@^0.1.6
monitor_rts = 0
monitor_dtr = 0

There are some usefull comands to check the serial comunications on platformio, the following are a sample;

pio device monitor –encoding hexlify
pio device monitor –filter debug

pio device –help
pio device COMMAND –help

Info source